Founded in 1882, Sigma Chi is the longest continuously operated fraternity at MIT. Sigma Chi was founded on the principles of Friendship, Justice, and Learning, and we live these ideals out through the personal and professional development of our brotherhood.
Our brothers can be found on 7 varsity sports teams, in student government, music groups, and developing content for undergraduate design publications. We study a diverse range of majors, and our brothers have made impact both as researchers within MIT and at cutting edge internships across the country. Among our notable Alumni are James Killian, former president of MIT and the namesake of Killian court, and Bob Swanson, founder of Genentech and the namesake of our house bar!
You can find our freshly renovated brownstone on Beacon Street, just a short walk from campus. Being right off of Massachusetts Avenue, our house is conveniently close while still being off campus.
Rush Contact Name: Rome Delgado-Gonzalez
Rush Contact Email:
Recruiting male-identifying first-year and sophomore students