The purpose of the Interfraternity Council is to assist in providing a total educational experience for the fraternity and sorority community by emphasizing and acting as a resource to support community participation and responsibility. The role of the Interfraternity Council Executive Board is to create proper programming and protocol in order to ensure that our purpose as an organization comes to fruition.

Brothers of Phi Beta Epsilon take a group photo before separating to go home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brothers of Phi Beta Epsilon take a group photo before separating to go home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brothers across the community coming together to celebrate in interfraternal spirit.

Brothers across the community coming together to celebrate in interfraternal spirit.

One of our main goals is to promote interfraternal relations and we do this by creating programming such as Greek Week in the spring and the President-Faculty Dinner in the fall. Outside of our IFC Meetings, which mainly involve presidents from every member organization, we also have a Delegate's Council where we discuss organizational commonalities amongst the fraternities and sororities which each person can use to improve their own chapters.

As an organization, we are fully structured and have various documents that outline our goals, rules, and guidelines. Our Constitution outlines the reason behind our existence as an organization, with three main supporting documents that outline our overall policy, rules, and guidelines: the Judicial Committee Bylaws, the Recruitment Rules, and the Risk Management Policy.

Photos courtesy of Chris Welch.

IFC VP 2014, Sam Oppenheim, grilling burgers for hungry Greek Olympics attendees.

IFC VP 2014, Sam Oppenheim, grilling burgers for hungry Greek Olympics attendees.